Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Farm

I went to a farm on Friday with our preschool group on Friday. It was fun, but overpriced and the lady was a pumpkin nazi. So I was kind of grumpy about spending what I estimated would be around $70 bucks to go to a farm and buy a couple of pumpkins. I wanted to spend that money on pansies and cabbages and whatnot. Nathan bullied me into going, and I'm so glad. He found this farm up near Peak, SC that was so great. It was about an hour drive, but they had a $1 per person hayride and real pumpkins in the field, and a calf, a piglet, a goat and a sheep that the kids could pet. We bought a good-sized bag of feed for a dollar, so everyone got to feed several animals, including random children who got in line with our kids when Nathan was handing out feed. There was a live beehive behind glass that the kids thought was really cool. And they had reasonable priced fall perennials and annuals. So we had a great time, and I got my pansies, too.  

We definately found the two best pumpkins on the whole farm. No question.

See? Here's how I know. We looked at Every. Single. One.
Do I need to label this? It's a hayride, minus the hay.
Isaac squinting.
Lou-lou squinting.
Eli and Jojo squinting.
Jojo, strongest three year old in the patch.
He was very concerned when Nathan told him to hold the pumpkin.
"Its too big, Daddy! Too big for me." Note that he didn't let go of his football, though.
And just as a note to myself, those shorts are a little too short.
He looks like Christopher Robin in them, to me at least.

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  1. A fall hayride without scarves? What kind of fall is this anyway?

    Looks like a ton of fun!

  2. Amber- I know. It was hot in the sun. But it's 90 in FL so we'll take whatever semblance of fall we can get.

    Jen- It was. Hope you guys are doing well!
